Chirashi kasen
Chirashi kasen

chirashi kasen

Sushi Ii (that’s two “i’s” (“ii”)) is a new Osaka Sushi specialist that debuted in 2020 serving Hakozushi (literally “Box Sushi”), Battera (Mackerel Pressed Sushi) and Bozushi (Rod-shaped Pressed Sushi). I was still prepared to walk out if it turned out the restaurant wasn’t following COVID guidelines, but thankfully they were as careful as the manager had said over the phone.

chirashi kasen

But when Orange County allowed dine-in a few months ago, and Sushi Ii’s manager assured us of their very careful health protocols, we decided to venture out and give this a try. Note: This was from a couple months ago, but it feels like another era, when Orange County had briefly opened up and allowed restaurants to have dine-in customers at limited capacity with proper health guidelines.Ģ020 was mainly cooking at home and supporting local restaurants with takeout orders (to bring home) when possible. We were reminded of this (and grateful) during our only formal dine-in meal of 2020 during the pandemic.

chirashi kasen

Being able to talk to other human beings (outside of your pandemic pod), from the servers to the chef, to friends & family, is such a fundamental, important aspect to a great dining experience that its loss is the most deeply felt. Plating, presentation, enjoying freshly prepared dishes just out of the kitchen to your table are all things of the past.īut perhaps the greatest loss might very well be communing with others over a meal. The whole dining experience has changed (going to a takeout only format for many places), and with folks eating from to-go containers in their car or back at home. It goes without saying that the pandemic has taken away so much from the restaurant world.

Chirashi kasen